Get in touch

Max is booked through 2025. There is a waitlist for 2026 commissions.

If you would like to work with Max, please fill out the form below.


“No other trade can do with steel and iron like a smith can. No machine has the human intuition to make something feel alive.”

— Max Randolph

The process


Step 1

The commission process starts with a conversation. The initial discussion will delve into the client’s vision and passions, allowing Max to tap into their unique sensibilities.


Step 2

Once the vision and goals have been established, we head into the design phase. Max creates several designs for the client to consider, with necessary revisions.


Step 3

With client approval, the final step launches Max into the production and final installation of the commission.


“I love a challenge. challenges fuel me. When people say it can’t be done — try me.”

— Max Randolph